Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) on EBMonFHIR
1.1.0 - qa-preview

This page is part of the CPG-on-EBMonFHIR Implementation Guide (1.1.0).

ActivityDefinition: Example Body Positioning Action (Experimental)

Official URL: Version: 1.0
Active as of 2025-01-24 Responsible: CPGonEBMonFHIR Computable Name: DrugAdministrationAction

Example of a body positioning action.

Generated Narrative: ActivityDefinition ExampleBodyPositioningAction

knowledgeCapability: computable

knowledgeRepresentationLevel: structured

url: ActivityDefinition DrugAdministrationAction

version: 1.0

name: DrugAdministrationAction

status: Active

experimental: true

subject: Patient

date: 2025-01-24 14:05:07+0000

publisher: CPGonEBMonFHIR


Example of a body positioning action.

kind: ServiceRequest

code: Placing subject in prone position (procedure)

timing: Once per 1 day